The Communion Letters has arrived and will be shipped out starting Monday. Everyone who pre-ordered will receive a copy autographed by both Whitley and Anne. We’re so happy to have this book back in print, because it contains some of the most important anecdotal evidence about the UFO phenomenon ever gathered together. It also gives the lie to the simplified, taken-into-a-ship-and-examined-by-aliens scenario that’s become so common over the years. These uncensored letters go far beyond this, with experiences about meeting the dead and time travel, and tell us that life is much stranger than we can ever imagine.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

While most UFOs appear to be metallic disks or boomerang shapes, there are consistent worldwide reports of “jellyfish-like” objects seen in the sky. Adrian Dalton, of Daventry in the U.K., says, “They were like two brown jellyfish in the sky, they looked like they were swimming and I had not taken any drugs.”

The UFOs were brown with a dark brown center. The same night Dalton had his sighting, a cameraman shot tape of the same UFOs in the night sky in Worcestershire. Dalton says,” I have been interested in these objects for 15 years but for the past few days I have been trying to come to terms with what I’ve seen. They were fascinating. It’s an infinite universe, we’re not the only life and it’s pretty egotistical to think we are.”
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In the 1980s, Saudi Arabian Prince Salman arranged to send of thousands of soldiers to fight a holy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, where they later established al-Qaeda. Now U.S. intelligence thinks Salman is sending Saudi volunteers to Iraq to wage holy war against American soldiers.
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The Taipai Times reports that crop circles have appeared annually for three years in the tiny village of Wylatowo in Poland. This year, there have been 4 circles, one of them a huge “lotus flower” design. Teacher Anna Kalinowska says, “I’ll be really disappointed when it turns out some farmers are doing it for a prank, but it really is a kind of art form, a ‘happening,’ a performance on a large scale.”

“I have absolutely nothing to do with it!” says farmer Tadeusz Zarywski, who owns the farm where the circles appeared. “I never wanted to be a public person, but now all of Poland knows me because of the circles.”
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