Sarah Kennedy writes in The Ottawa Citizen that 69-year-old Nick Raina says he can build a Great Pyramid just like the one in Egypt, using only hand tools and minimal force. He’s not an engineer?he describes himself as “an eccentric old man that moves big rocks.”

Archeologists believe the Egyptians built ramps and dragged more than two million limestone slabs, each weighing approximately 2.3 tons, to the top of the Great Pyramid, but Raina says, “Modern man’s concept of how ancient man moved rock is balderdash. I’ve reduced moving rocks to the pyramid to a mom-and-pop operation.”
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Reporter Alister Doyle writes that while the world is suffering through one of the hottest years on record due to global warming, some places are getting much colder. “We are disrupting the entire climate system,” says Rajendra Pachauri, of the UN panel on climate change. “It’s not as though there is going to be a uniform warming of the entire planet.”

Pachauri says, “There are also many of these (cooling anomalies). But merely to cite one as evidence that there is no warming is not rational.”

“When the oceans get warmer, you get more evaporation so you create more clouds. Then you can have more precipitation and in some areas it can be in the form of snow,” says NASA scientist Josefino Comiso.
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Wear your tie too tight and you risk blindness. A recent study measured the pressure of the fluid in the eyeballs of a group of men before and after they put on their ties. Researchers found a significant rise in pressure after the ties were tightened, and long-term pressure rises have been linked to glaucoma.

Doctors from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary tested 40 men. Half were healthy and half had been diagnosed with glaucoma. Their “intraocular pressure” was measured, then they were asked to put on a “slightly uncomfortable” tie for three minutes. They were tested again, and 60% of the glaucoma patients, and 70% of the healthy men, were found to have significant rises in eye fluid pressure. The pressure fell as soon as their ties were removed.
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Chris Cuomo reports for ABC News 20/20 that national parks are not always the bucolic places they’re supposed to be. In many of them, park rangers are fighting drug dealers, smugglers, and even terrorists. “Just about any type of crime that goes on in any urban environment happens out here,” says Dale Antonich, chief ranger at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, in Nevada and Arizona. “We’ve had rapes, we’ve had murders in the park, we’ve had bodies dumped in the park.”
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