The quest for the source of the strange sound known as the Kokomo hum–the low, unending sound that’s been driving residents of this Indiana town nuts for a couple of years–is still going on. The town is paying sound expert Jim Cowan $100,000 to track it down.The low-frequency noise causes some people stress that leads to health problems such as nausea, headaches or insomnia. Some hear it as a hum, while others feel it as a rumble.
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You’ve tried the pizza cure. Maybe you’ve even tried the cure from Thailand. Now try the latest cure: Be happy.

Jamie Cohen writes for that while Americans get 1 billion colds a year, happier people get fewer of them. Dr. Sheldon Cohen says, “We found that people who regularly experience positive emotions, when exposed to rhinovirus, are relatively protected from developing illness.”
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Israeli intelligence says Saddam has lots of weapons of mass destruction, as well as nuclear weapons. According to them, during the year before the U.S. invaded Iraq, Saddam transferred all of his weapons to Syria, including equipment, material and even scientists.

His plan was to quickly reassemble all his weapons once the UN inspectors went home. Israel says weapons were also hidden in the desert in western Iraq, as well as in the homes of Sunni Iraqis.
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Spend fifteen minutes meditating with Whitley in an effort to make contact with the unknown presence that is responsible for UFOs. This August, Mars will be closer to Earth than it’s been in recent history, and statistically, when Mars is close to Earth, more UFO sightings are reported. Don’t miss this opportunity to try to achieve contact with another intelligence. Many of you participated in the first contact meditation with Whitley. To access the second meditation, click “Listen Now” on our masthead. It’s the last item in the list.

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