Strange flashing lights have been seen in the sky in the Worcestershire area of England. BBC cameraman Tom Hines even filmed them with a video camera. And UFOs have been turning up so often in one part of Canada that they’ve become a tourist attraction.

Jennifer Lang writes in the New Caledonia Terrace Standard that British Columbia is getting a reputation as the UFO capital of Canada. “You would be surprised just how many emails I get over the months requesting information for our areas,” says UFO researcher Brian Vike. If you’d like to go UFO watching on your next vacation, check out this website.
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes, “Now that we’ve identified Uday and Qusay by their dental records, so we know they’re really and truly dead, we can step back and take a look at these psychopaths?Why should this interest us, now that these monsters are dead? Because it shows us that psychopaths can be created by too much indulgence and a lack of discipline, as well as by deprivation and abuse.” Are middle class parents creating monsters in our own neighborhoods? Read Anne’s diary and tell us what you think.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Alex Kirby writes in that Caribbean coral reefs have declined 80% in the last 30 years. All the coral seems to have been struck at about the same time. Some causes for the destruction are hurricanes and disease, overfishing and pollution. While coral is beginning to grow back, it’s not the same kind as the coral that’s been lost.
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Adam Tanner writes that scientists say we may eventually live to be hundreds of years old. “I think we are knocking at the door of immortality,” says Michael Zey. “?What was science fiction a decade ago is no longer science fiction.” But Dr. Geoffrey West isn’t so sure, because we’re bound to the Rule of Four. He says, “Four is the magic number of life.”

Researcher Donald Louria says, “There is a dramatic and intensive push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years. Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years.”
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