Douglas Fox writes in New Scientist that although males have long been told that masturbation is bad for them, it’s actually healthy. Australian researcher Graham Giles found out that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. He asked 1079 men with prostate cancer to fill out a questionnaire about their sexual habits, and compared their answers with those of 1259 healthy men.
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Matt Richtel writes in The New York Times that information overload causes a “high” similar to the kind you get with drugs. This makes the news addictive, so people can’t get enough of it. Researchers call this the Always On syndrome.

People who are Always On get frustrated with long-term projects, and thrive on the constant news fixes they get from checking e-mail or voice mail or answering the phone. Some of them even use their Palm Pilots to exchange instant messages with someone else sitting in the same meeting, rather than speak to them directly. They’re into multitasking, like talking on the phone while reading their e-mail.
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Spend fifteen minutes meditating with Whitley in an effort to make contact with the unknown presence that is responsible for UFOs. This August, Mars will be closer to Earth than it’s been in recent history, and statistically, when Mars is close to Earth, more UFO sightings are reported. Don’t miss this opportunity to try to achieve contact with another intelligence. To meditate with Whitley, click “Listen Now” on our masthead. It’s the last item in the list.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Roger Clay died in a motorcycle accident 5 years ago, at the age of 21, but his parents received one last message from him?in a note he put in a bottle and dropped in the ocean in 1984, when he was 7 years old. A man in St. Petersburg, Florida found the bottle this week and returned it to his mother.

Clay was 7 years old and on vacation when he tossed the bottle into the Gulf of Mexico from a pier in Clearwater, just north of St. Petersburg. “To whoever finds this letter please write me a letter and let me know,” he wrote. He included his address in Fairfield, Ohio, and the date: Dec. 27, 1984.
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