Randy Boswell reports in The Ottawa Citizen that Canadian treasure hunter Bob Brewer has found Confederate gold and silver coins which he believes are part of the treasure of a secret society called the Knights of the Golden Circle. The Knights buried millions of dollars in gold at various sites in the U.S. and Canada in the 1860s, waiting for the end of the Civil War. Despite losing, they still believed that the South would one day be independent.
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In the British-based UFO Magazine, editor Graham Birdsall interviewed Valery Uvarov, who says, “I am head of the Department of UFO Research, Science and Technical, National Security Academy, based in St Petersburg, Russia?We are constantly analyzing data coming in from all over the world?The other aspect of our research stems from asking the question: Do UFOs exist or not? ?We know they exist, but what is behind their activity, their interest?”
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Tom Clarke writes in nature.com about a controversial new report that says that the impact of cosmic rays on our climate might outweigh the effects of greenhouse gases. Physicist Nir Shaviv and climatologist J

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Former defense secretary William Perry says North Korea is rapidly reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods in order to build up its nuclear arsenal. He says, “I have thought for some months that if the North Koreans moved toward processing, then we are on a path toward war.” And a North Korean defector who met with White House officials says the U.S. should stage a pre-emptive strike on “selected targets” in North Korea before Kim Jong-il succeeds in arming his missiles with miniaturized nuclear warheads.
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