Regarding the recent California crop circle, one researcher writes, “?Crop circle ‘confessions’ are common in England, but are virtually never supported by any corroborating evidence. So last week’s alleged confession by some local teenagers who claim the made the Vacaville corn circle has been taken with a grain of salt by the crop circle investigation community, pending further analysis of the formation.”
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In the past few decades, educators have argued fiercely about how to teach reading. One group believes in phonics (“sounding out” words). Another group pushes sight reading, pointing out that adult readers rarely sound out words. While this has been going on, the reading disorder called dyslexia has been increasing in children across the U.S. Bonnie Rothman Morris writes in The New York Times that there are two types of dyslexia, and one kind may be caused by not teaching phonics.
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Whitley writes in his new journal, “?This planet is in the process of an extinction event?I believe?that there is somebody in close contact with us?on the ground, in fact, and in control of much government apparatus?who does not want us to grow and survive; who, in fact, seeks our death. Something else, calling to us from outside, speaks on behalf of our survival and our entry into the universe?The coming close proximity of Mars suggests that this positive presence will have an unprecedented opportunity to interact with us in the coming weeks.” Don’t miss this important journal entry.

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Jon Bonn

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more