Dr. Duncan MacDougall believed that if there’s a soul that exists separately from our brains and bodies, then it has to take up physical space and have weight, and this can be measured. The way to find out is to weigh a person shortly before and after death. According science, space-occupying material can be classified into solids, liquids or gases, which are all affected by gravity. MacDougall thought the soul may belong to a new category?one which we’re not aware of.

He began testing his theory in 1907. He said, “My first subject was a man dying of tuberculosis?The patient was under observation for three hours and forty minutes before death, lying on a bed arranged on a light framework built upon very delicately balanced platform beam scales.
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In a startling announcement, the World Meteorological Organization says the world’s weather is going crazy. The WMO usually produces dry, detailed scientific reports, but this time it’s sounded an alarm because of the record extremes in weather that have been occurring all over the world, from Switzerland’s hottest June to a record number of tornadoes in the U.S. They say this is all due to climate change.

This warning is especially serious because the WMO is so conservative. Groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have been warning us about this for years, but government agencies felt they had an agenda that made their statements invalid.
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Watch out: The Department of Homeland Security and private technology experts are warning us that hackers plan to attack thousands of websites on Sunday in a coordinated “contest” that could disrupt traffic on the internet. Their goal is to vandalize 6,000 websites in six hours. The government has already detected surveillance probes by hackers looking for weaknesses in corporate and government networks.

Peter Allor of Internet Security Systems says, “We emphasize that all website administrators should ensure that their sites are not vulnerable.”

A contest to destroy what others have worked hard to create? This is something that could only happen in our final hour?according to British Astronomer Royal Martin Rees. Hear him on Dreamland, starting Saturday.read more

On July 1st, we report that an aborted fetus can now become a mother. Martin Hutchinson writes in bbcnews.com that the bizarre experiments haven’t stopped: a U.S. scientists has created a hermaphrodite embryo that is both male and female.

Dr. Norbert Gliecher created the mixed-sex embryo to cure illnesses, but critics say it could lead to an ethical dilemma. The process he used creates a “chimaera,” which is a blend of two embryos that each has its own separate genes. No one knows if these embryos could have developed into babies, since they were destroyed after a few days, but sometimes cells from two different embryos do fuse naturally in humans and become one individual, and this causes no apparent bad effects on the baby.
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