Steve Connor writes in the Independent (U.K.) newspaper that although the legendary Incas supposedly had no written language, they managed to create a huge empire which lasted from the second to the sixteenth centuries, with roads, granaries, warehouses and a complex system of government. Now anthropologist Gary Urton has discovered they used a computer-like binary code, based on knotted string.
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Is this the description of a nightmare? It will be reality soon, if a new kind of scanner starts being used. You’ll step behind it, dressed normally, while X-rays bounce off you and produce a black-and-white image that reveals if you’re carrying plastic weapons or explosives?and also displays a nude image of your body.

The government wants to use the new technology at airport security checkpoints because the equipment now in use can only detect metal objects. Susan Hallowell, who is testing the equipment, says, “It does basically make you look fat and naked but you see all this stuff.”
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On this week’s Dreamland, Whitley interviews Nick Redfern, who has been researching the unknown for years (and his recent move from the U.K. to Texas hasn’t slowed him down). He’s noticed that the government suppresses anything strange or unusual, and his question is: Why?

Why would the CIA attempt to suppress information about a large ruin on Mt. Ararat that could be Noah’s Ark? And why would the British government want to suppress knowledge of Loch Ness discoveries? Is there a pattern behind this??and if so, what is it? Redfern thinks there’s a BIG SECRET they don’t want us to know.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

In our last poll, we asked you if you’d participate in a group meditation to communicate with the visitors. Most of you are ready to try: 62% said, “Yes, and I think it would be likely to succeed,” and 29% said, “Yes, but I would be surprised if anything happened.” 4% said, “No, I think there’s too little chance of success” and 5% said, “No, because they are evil.” In our new poll, we ask you what you want Whitley to write next, so be sure to vote! His computer’s warmed up and he?s waiting to start.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more