FBI profilers have recently identified several serial killers as being white?when they were actually black?which may have delayed their capture. Since race is one of the easiest ways to identify someone, police departments want to figure out how to identify a suspect’s race from DNA evidence left at the crime scene.

You’d think that this would be easy to do but it’s not. For one thing, despite their appearances, most people are a mixture of several different races. Researcher Tony Frudakis has invented a technology that breaks the ethnicity of a murder suspect down by percentage. It hasn’t made an error in more than 3,000 blind tests.
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While men are agonizing about going bald, scientists are wondering why humans are so hairless. Our close cousins the chimps have no hair loss problems. Researchers think we humans may have lost our body hair so we’d have fewer parasites.
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Jennifer Viegas writes in Discovery News that if our flowers and vegetables are surrounded by weeds, they’re less likely to be attacked by insects. By adding and removing weeds from around test plants, horticulturists Stan Finch and Rosemary Collier found that insects would investigate the weeds, find them unsuitable and often fly away, leaving the valuable plants alone.
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A triangular UFO that leaves a shining trail behind it has been seen in the Worcestershire area of the U.K., and crop circles?which are appearing all over the world?have now turned up in the wheat fields of Italy.

There’s been a mini UFO flap in Worcestershire. Three triangular UFOs were seen on the same night, and one of them was described as having six lights on each side. It disappeared in the usual way: “The light suddenly shot off silently?,” says Michael Soper, spokesman for Contact International.
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