Americans have been gradually getting fatter every year since World War II, and more and more of us have moved to the suburbs during that time, as well. Researchers now think it may be the suburbs that make us fat.

Researcher Arlin Wasserman noticed that when he moved from his native Philadelphia, where he biked everywhere, he gained weight every time. “The move to Ann Arbor, where I logged 15,000 miles a year driving, gained me 15 pounds, even though I was still biking to work,” he says. “But the move to Traverse City gained me another 20.”
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The controversy over the image of Jesus on the Shroud of Turin never seems to end?is it a miracle or a hoax? Microbiologist Stephen Mattingly says it’s neither?he thinks it was created by bacteria from a dying man’s body, despite the fact that there’s no other known shroud from ancient times with similar markings on it.
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While Iraq struggles to provide drinking water to its citizens, it turns out we?re having the same problems right here in the U.S., due to aging pipes and outdated treatment plants. Many water treatment plants use century-old technology that can’t clean up modern contaminants. Water pipes are old too, and in some cities they date back 100 years.

Chicago’s water has an “excellent” rating, and Denver. New Orleans, Manchester, NH, Baltimore and Detroit are rated good. Houston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Newark, NJ, San Diego, Seattle and Washington are rated fair. No city fails to provide drinkable water, but five are rated “poor”: Albuquerque, N.M., Boston, Fresno, CA, Phoenix and San Francisco.
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Are UFOs a sign of the end times? What does the Bible say about it? Author Sean Casteel’s new book, UFOs Prophecy and the End of Time is our subject on Dreamland today.

Click on “Listen Now” on the right hand side of our masthead above, just below the word Dreamland to listen to famed UFO interviewer and researcher Sean Casteel discuss his Christian viewpoint about UFOs and aliens. Are aliens demons, and does that mean that close encounter witnesses are possessed? And does their appearance in modern times mean that Bible prophecies of the end are about to be filfilled?

And what about the period from April 14, 2003 for the next two years–why might children be in danger during this time?
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