UFO researcher and author Richard Dolan writes: For the past several months, an intense controversy has been brewing in various UFO newsgroups and venues over a Brazilian abduction case that is currently under investigation by Linda Moulton Howe?I have a great deal of respect for the integrity and courage that Linda Howe has displayed in her many years of research into topics that the mainstream of our society typically treats with scorn.
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“The Matrix Reloaded” movie has been banned in Egypt because of its “violent” content and “religious themes.” The Egyptian censorship board says the storyline may cause religious “crises” in those who watch it.

Egyptian censors say, “Despite the high technology and fabulous effects of the movie, it explicitly handles the issue of existence and creation, which are related to the three divine religions, which we all respect and believe in?” The movie “tackles the issue of the creator and his creations, searching the origin of creation and the issue of compulsion and free will. Such religious issues, raised in previous times, caused crises. Screening the movie may cause troubles and harm social peace.”
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Keith Inman writes in the Jonesboro (Arkansas) Sun that there are 10 crop circles in a wheat field in Knobel, Ark. Farmer Todd Young says, “It’s kind of eerie, really. It’s real precise. It’s real symmetrical. Your average idiot couldn’t have gone out there and done that, including myself.” This spring, circles are appearing in the U.S. and in other countries, as well as in the usual U.K. crop circle country. The non-U.K. circles tend to be plain, rather than intricate?but then so did the early U.K. circles.
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Kari Huus writes on msnbc.com that the Japanese, who have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, are forming suicide pacts on the internet. On Sunday, the bodies of four young Japanese men were found in a car, and evidence that they’d all agreed to kill themselves together was found on their computers. These suicide pacts have resulted in 18 deaths so far this year.
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