It’s been discovered that salamanders can count and dogs can do calculus. When salamanders have a choice between tubes containing two fruit flies or three, they always go for the tube of three. And dogs always figure out the most efficient route to take when catching a ball.

However, the mathematical abilities of salamanders are limited, according to researcher Claudia Uller, who says they “failed in the same way that babies and monkeys do” when confronted by more than three objects.
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Andrew Griffin writes in that crop circles have appeared in Shreveport, LA. Local resident Cliff Brown saw one in a weed-filled lot behind a shopping center. “The (crop circle) is in a field of weeds and Johnson grass behind the Shreve City Shopping Center at Dee St. and South Point,” he says. “It used to be an old driving range a long time ago.”

He says, “It’s the first one I’ve ever walked up on. I remember thinking ‘hmm.’ You see them in England, but this is the first one I’ve ever seen in Johnson grass. I showed a couple of friends. Shafts aren’t broken. It didn’t look like it was dead. Just kind of odd.? He also heard about another crop formation that was spotted from the air near Shreveport a few weeks ago.
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George Filer of Filer’s Files reports in his June 4 issue that there has been an increase of UFO sightings in the U.S., especially of saucer and cylindrical-shaped objects in the sky. This fulfills a prediction Whitley Strieber made six months ago.

A witness from New Ipswich, Vermont, reported that on May 17 at 8:55 pm, “I saw an octagon/saucer disk shaped craft take off from the trees at the end of my wooded property line. It took off, maybe 300-400 feet above my house…I ran outside and watched it descend into the trees…It made a humming noise.” (Report from the National UFO Reporting Center).
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More than 1,000 people have died in the Andhra Pradesh area of India in a 3 week heat wave. Hundreds more have been hospitalized. The town of Kottagudem recorded a temperature of over 126 Fahrenheit for almost a week. “Life has become a hell,” says one villager. “There is no work for farm hands like me. Even if I dare to come out to look for work, there is no guarantee I will return home alive.” The heat has caused the state?s worst drought for 40 years. Local official Penta Narsimha says, “There is no water even at a depth of 300 to 400 feet. We dug 24 bore-wells but could find water in only four of them.” Water is being trucked in from as far 30 miles away. “Only the rich can afford this,” says one resident. “There is no way out for poor like us.”
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