German neuroscientist Niels Birbaumer is teaching 11 paralyzed patients who can’t even blink their eyes how to use their brain waves to control a computer. They’ve learned to change the electrical signals coming from their brains by visualizing an arrow about to be shot from a bow or a runner crouched at the starting line. The electrical brain waves generated by these types of thoughts can used to control a cursor that selects letters to spell words, meaning these formerly mute people can now communicate.
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Psychologists in Wales have created a simple psychological test to identify potential psychopaths who could become serial killers. Right now, all we have is profilers, and recently they’ve identified some serial killers as white, when they’ve turned out to be black.
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After two years of digging at Fort Detrick, Maryland, officials have uncovered 2,000 tons of hazardous waste, including over 100 vials of live bacteria and viruses, as well as anthrax, that the military says they didn’t know were there. They also found autopsied rats. This is material left over from the U.S. biological weapons program. “When Nixon shut us down, we had a deadline, we were given six weeks to clean up the post. Well you couldn’t do it. People sneaked out to the good area, and dumped it in a pit,” says Hubert Kaempf, the retired Army maintenance engineer who was in charge of cleanup.
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Monarch butterflies migrate incredibly long distances, from the U.S. to Mexico, and scientists have long wondered how they navigate. Now they know the butterflies use the angle and intensity of sunlight to set their internal clock, giving them a precise sense of when it’s time to head South. And the generation that migrates lives much longer than the others.
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