At London?s Chelsea flower show this year, vacuum cleaner manufacturer James Dyson created a display where water flowed uphill. Dyson was inspired by artist M.C. Escher, who drew geometrical patterns showing birds turning into fish, etc. “One of these is an optical illusion that shows water going uphill and round and round the four sides of a square perpetually,” he says. “I wanted to create a series of cascades that are all on the same level?an everlasting waterfall.” Did Dyson learn how to defy physics?
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There’s been a slow start to the 2003 crop circle season in England, with 3circles so far. However, circles have been showing up in unusual places such as Australia and Maryland. Peter Hall writes in the New Jersey Express-Times that they’ve cropped up in New Jersey as well.

Crop circles that form outside of the vicinity of Stonehenge in the U.K. rarely have intricate patterns, and this year is no exception. It’s almost as if the circles have to “get the hang of it” all over again, whenever they start up in a new area. In New Jersey, Pete and Lisa Andrews noticed patches of two-foot-tall grass lying flat in irregular shapes in a field next to their house. “A herd of buffalo?” replied meteorologist Art Kraus when asked what could have caused the patterns.
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Sinafasi Makelo, of the Mbuti pygmies, has asked the UN to stop government and rebel fighters in the Democratic Republic of Congo from eating them. He says, “In living memory, we have seen cruelty, massacres, and genocide, but we have never seen human beings hunted down as though they were game animals. Pygmies are being pursued in the forests. People have been eaten. This is nothing more, nothing less, than a crime against humanity.”

More than 600,000 pygmies are believed to live in the Congo?s jungles. Both sides in the current civil war regard them as “subhuman” and also believe that those who eat them gain magical powers. UN human rights activists say rebels have cooked and eaten at least a dozen pygmies.
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When a Canadian cow recently tested positive for Mad Cow Disease, meat producers began quarantining and testing their beef. Now the FDA has announced that part of the affected cow may have been used to make dog food that was shipped to the U.S.

There’s no scientific evidence that dogs can Mad Cow or transmit it to humans. However, deer and elk do get a form of the disease, and do transmit it to humans who eat the meat of diseased animals.
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