Most people think of popular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs as an expert on conspiracies (which he is), but did you know he also wrote one of the best books on UFOs? Now Alien Agenda is available in our store! He breaks amazing new ground, covering everything from Abductions to Zeta Reticuli?and not leaving out the mysteries of Mars. A classic in the Marrs manner!

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The crop circle season isn’t only beginning in the U.K., it’s also taking place in Australia. Dozens of the circles appeared in a field of sorghum overnight, accompanied by loud “zapping noises” and a flash of green light. The electrical power also went out.

Farmer Kel Gowen was waked up about midnight by two loud “zaps.” His farm worker, Noel Brady, whose cottage overlooks one of the fields, was also waked up by the first zapping sound, which was followed by the loss of power and bright green flashes. When he did a routine check of the property the next day, he saw 30 flattened circles in the sorghum.

Dreamland science reporter Linda Howe personally saw similar lights in English crop circles.

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The Japanese Panawave group that believed the end of the world was due May 15 when Planet X would pass close to the Earth, has now revised the date and says this will occur on Thursday, May 22. The 1,200 members of the group all dress in white and drape trees and buildings in white sheets because they believe that white protects them from the dangerous electromagnetic waves that have affected the health of their leader, 69-year-old Yuko Cino, who claims to have terminal cancer. They’ve fled to the mountains, blocking roads with their long convoys of white vans.
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Two of the biggest mysteries in physics are: where is all the dark matter that scientists know is in the universe but can’t see??and are there extra dimensions beyond the 3 we can see? A team of scientists now think these mysteries may be connected. “For the most part, these two questions have been treated separately in the past, and for the first time we’re making a direct link,” says Konstantin Matchev. “We’re suggesting that the dark matter may be due to extra dimensions.”
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