Scientists have discovered a cancer-proof mouse that can survive being injected with cancer cells. If they can figure out how the mice do it, they may be able to develop gene or drug therapies that will make us cancer-proof too. Doctors know that, in rare cases, cancers go away by themselves, but they never knew it could be genetic. The cancer-proof mouse was discovered by accident, while scientists were working on other experiments.
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One piece of good news about SARS: Children seem to have milder symptoms and be less infectious than adults. Out of 333 people killed by the disease, not one of them has been a child. A study of 10 Hong Kong children with SARS showed that kids under the age of eight had far milder symptoms than teenagers and adults. “SARS in young children does not seem as frightening as in older adults,” says pediatrician Tai Fai Fok.
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Environmentalists are counting on hydrogen to replace greenhouse gas producing gasoline in cars and trucks, because it’s colorless, odorless and its byproduct is water vapor. But hydrogen has such a small molecule that it can easily escape, making it hard to keep it inside your gas tank. Liquid hydrogen doesn’t escape as easily, but it needs to be kept cold, meaning your car would also have to be a refrigerator. NASA has come up with a solution: put rocks in your gas tank.
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In You Can Be Blind & Not Know It, we reported that people see much less than they realize, which is a problem when police take eyewitness statements. Now research reveals that people’s memories of a criminal’s face are much poorer among eyewitnesses who described what the perpetrator looked like shortly after seeing him, compared with those who didn’t?and the words seem to be the problem.

Psychologist Jonathan W. Schooler says this is caused by “verbal overshadowing of visual memories.” Studies have found that verbal descriptions impair people’s memories of faces and other hard-to-describe things as well, like the taste of wine or the sound of a person’s voice.
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