The reason so many women have trouble getting pregnant may be linked to a newly-discovered vitamin. Japanese scientists have discovered a new vitamin that plays an important role in fertility in mice and may have a similar function in humans.

Takafumi Kato says pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), a substance discovered in 1979, is a vitamin. Mice deprived of PQQ have reduced fertility and roughened fur, and vitamins that have an important effect on mice usually act in the same way in humans. Kato says, “There are many possible factors behind the drop in fertility. We need more research to find out exactly what is happening to these mice and what would be the effect on humans.”
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The New York City Health Department detained a foreign tourist against his will for a week after he checked into a hospital with SARS symptoms but refused to be quarantined for the mandatory 10 days. He had stopped in Hong Kong on his way to New York. After his fever went down, he wanted to leave the hospital so he could go sightseeing and to a basketball game, but he wasn’t allowed to leave.
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Planet X is supposed to wreak its havoc on May 15, although now believers appear to be backing not only off that date, but also off the notion that it’s going to cause a massive earthly catastrophe. Whitley Strieber weighs in with a new journal entry on the subject of Planet X–and don’t think that he’s going to do the usual number on current whipping-person Nancy Leider. He doesn’t. Remember, he’s been there and done that…

To read his thoughts, click here.

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U.K. Astronomer Royal Martin Rees says the human race has only a 50/50 chance of surviving another century. In his new book “Our Final Century,” he says this will be caused by a combination of natural events, such as global warming and asteroid impacts, and man-made disasters, like engineered viruses and nuclear terrorism. He says, “I think the odds are no better than 50/50 that our present civilization will survive to the end of the present century.”

He thinks scientists shouldn’t do certain types of scientific research, such as cloning and genetic modification, that could eventually lead to our destruction. Other people have voiced such ideas, but Rees’ position as a leading cosmologist that makes his statements especially important.
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