Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov says a “catastrophic” development of events between the U.S. and North Korea will occur in the next few days. “It is probable that, as early as tomorrow, there will be a catastrophic development of events,” he says, and he says the standoff between the two countries has “reached an extreme stage.” U.S. Asia envoy James Kelly is now talking with North Korea in Beijing. Russia was excluded from the meetings, but Losyukov says Russia “does not feel left out or hurt.” President Vladimir Putin has met with reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il three times over the past two years.
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The FBI has found evidence that former Iraqi soldiers were involved in the 1995 Oklahoma bombing that killed 185 people. A group of Arab men with links to Iraqi intelligence, Palestinian extremists and possibly al-Qaeda may have used Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols as front men to blow up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. TV reporter Jayna Davis, who covered the blast, has spent 7 years gathering evidence about a wider conspiracy. After hearing her evidence, several senior members of Congress have called for a new probe into the idea “that the Oklahoma bombing might not simply be the work of two angry white men.”
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A mysterious underwater stone platform has been discovered in the Bahamas. Researchers Greg and Lora Little found the huge, three-layered platform lying under just 10 feet of water off northern Andros Island while searching for answers to other underwater mysteries.
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Twenty of North Korea’s best scientists, including nuclear specialists, have defected to the U.S. in a secret smuggling operation through the Pacific island of Nauru. The defections began in October when the scientists first traveled to China and then were able to hide inside the consulates of 11 countries for as long as a month. The head of North Korea’s nuclear program, Kyong Won-ha, was helped by the Spanish consulate and is now in a safe house, where he’s giving information on Korean nukes to the West.
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