Ranchers near Lincoln, Nebraska are experiencing a return of cattle mutilations. The mystery of these mutilations was never solved, despite investigations by law enforcement agencies in dozens of states during the 1970s and ’80s. Rancher Mike Benes says, “We’ve lived here 17 years on this place. This is the first time we’ve had any problems or anything with our livestock.” On April 5th, he found 2 cows and a calf dead in the pasture. “I saw the calf right away because the other cows were all around it,” he says. The calf’s testicles, scrotum and hindquarters had been removed. “There was no blood in the pasture,” he says. When his veterinarian did an autopsy, he found something even stranger: the cows had been electrocuted.
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The latest on Saddam is that he’s still in Iraq and is moving around the country constantly, in order to evade detection, according to Ahmad Chalabi, of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National Congress. He says his group is tracking Saddam, but stays around half a day behind him. “We have received information about his movements and the movements of his sons,” he says. “?We are aware of his movements and we are aware of the areas that he has been to, and we learn of this within 12 to 24 hours?We received intelligence about his son Qusay yesterday.” Chalabi says he doesn’t want any role in the new Iraqi government. In 1992, he was convicted in absentia by a Jordanian court of embezzlement, fraud and breach of trust after a bank he ran collapsed with about $300 million in missing deposits.read more

The Inuit people of Greenland eat mainly polar bears, seals and whales. While this may seem too high fat for us, they actually have one of the healthiest diets on the planet. However, man-made toxins are building up in these animals, which when eaten can cause reduced fertility, genetic damage and deformities in children, so the Inuit may have to switch to a more Western diet. This will be a shame, because the Inuit’s traditional diet protects them from modern diseases like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Twenty-five years ago diabetes didn’t exist in Greenland, while today there are three times as many diabetics there as in Denmark. Dr. Jens C.read more

Subscribers: We have a special interview for you with Laurence Gardner, who will be on Dreamland May 10, about the museum looting in Iraq. Peter Levenda writes in his new Insight about the destruction of the Baghdad museum: “This was the history promoted so vigorously by Saddam Hussein. In an effort to make the Iraqis feel pride in this ancient heritage, he characterized the hostile American intentions against Iraq as an attempt to prohibit the rise of a new Babylon, an attempt fueled in part by America’s perceived alliance with Israel. According to this theory, Israel ? which is waiting for the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon and the arrival of the Messiah ?read more