With so many Iraqi troops killed and communications cut off, it’s hard for U.S. troops to find anyone who knows where the POWs are. During the search of a Baghdad military prison where Americans were held prisoner during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, they found bloody American uniforms, but no soldiers. And they’re still looking for a pilot who was shot down in the 1991 Gulf War, since the U.S. government has declared he’s alive. But they’ve found the seven POWS who were shown being questioned by their captors on Iraqi TV. When we saw their anguished faces on the news, most of us assumed we’d never see them alive again.
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Due to global warming, the Earth is heating up. And the greater the population, the warmer it gets. Proof of this has come from records of the air temperature over Houston, Texas, as compare to the air over nearby rural areas. One reason for overall global warming, aside from the usual culprits, may be that the Sun is getting hotter as well.

From March 1985 through February 1987, the temperature of the air above Houston, Texas was measured by the NOAA-9 satellite and compared to similar data obtained from the NOAA-14 satellite from July 1999 through June 2001. NOAA reports that “over the course of 12 years, between 1987 and 1999, the mean nighttime surface temperature heat island of Houston increased 0.82 ? 0.10 [
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An enzyme test that detects lung damage could help determine which patients are more likely to die from SARS, which has already killed 103 people worldwide. Dr. Joseph Sung of Hong Kong’s Prince of Wales Hospital is trying to figure out why some patients die from SARS, while most survive. This is important to know, since health officials have now admitted the disease is so widespread that it can’t be contained in Asia. With so much world travel, this means it’s here to stay in the rest of the world, as well.
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Despite the claims made by Cloneaid, scientists say human cloning may never be possible. Actually, it’s primates that can’t be cloned (and that’s us, too). Hundreds of attempts to clone monkeys have failed, and researchers think is this because of the biological make-up of primate eggs. Due to the way genetic material is divided as the cells split, the cells end up with too much, or not enough, DNA to survive. Dr. Gerald Schatten says, “This reinforces the fact that the charlatans who claim to have cloned humans have never understood enough cell or developmental biology (to succeed).”

Maybe we can’t be cloned, but we can change our physical bodies in order to become more spiritual beings.

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