One of the main reasons to genetically engineer crops was to develop plants that are resistant to insects, by having pesticide engineered into the plants themselves. But new research shows that insects love GM crops! The first problem is that pests become resistant to the pesticide, meaning they won’t be killed when the same pesticide is sprayed on non-GM plants. Scientists say that the insects’ resistance develops more quickly than ever because they are constantly exposed to the toxin, rather than just trying to survive an occasional spraying. But now researchers have discovered that insects actually use the poison as a food, so that rather than controlling pests, the GM crops actually help them thrive.
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We’ve finally taken a cue from the Canadians and passed a bill allowing us to quarantine SARS patients against their will, if necessary. Why wasn’t this done in China? Instead, SARS was kept secret by their government-controlled media. A Western journalist describes taking a plane for Guangzhou, the province where SARS originated, and noticing “that I was the only passenger wearing a protective face mask. My fellow travelers, all Chinese, aimed curious looks in my direction.” He overheard one man say to his girlfriend, “Why is that foreigner wearing a mask?”
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Terrorists from all over the world are converging on areas in and around the battlefield of the Iraq war, ready to shed blood using the methods only they are willing to use. The Iraqi National Congress reports that a squad of suicide bombers from Saddam’s Fidayeen corps have arrived in Damascus, Syria, the country where Saddam’s family is rumored to be hiding. The mission of Fidayeen is to attack U.S. and British interests worldwide, such as embassies and major corporations. This group consists of 21 people?11 Iraqis and 10 Egyptians. Also, Terrorists from Hamas and Hizbullah, who specialize in suicide bombing, have vowed to carry out attacks against coalition forces in Baghdad. But help is on the way: more

The media portrays alien abduction as a dreadful ordeal, but anthropologist Krista Henriksen has found that people who claim to have been abducted say it’s not an unpleasant experience. She says, “[The aliens] tell people they’re not alone, that they’re special, they’re chosen for a purpose.” She?s studied 60 men and women who claimed to have had close encounters.

Most of them remembered being told there were terrible problems with the world but that they had been chosen to do something about it. “Sometimes they have malevolent messages, manipulative, nasty messages. But that was, by far, the minority,” she says. “Most often extraterrestrials were bringing messages of goodwill.”

Don’t read the propaganda about UFOs?read the truth!

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