The FBI is working with two NASA scientists to solve crimes. Scientists Paul Meyer and David Hathaway have invented Video Image Stabilization and Registration (VISAR) software, using their experience analyzing satellite video from space. VISAR changes the dark, jittery images captured by security systems and video cameras in police cars into clear images that reveal clues about crimes. Using VISAR, the FBI can read blurry license plate numbers and identify felons on videos from security cameras.
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Popular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs says, “It’s the dead of night and hundreds of illegal aliens are slipping into our country?Some of them are wearing unidentified military uniforms, black paramilitary uniforms, Chinese Uniforms, Soviet Uniforms and Mexican Army uniforms. Is this some conspiracy theory, urban legend, or rumor mongering?” And are any of them Iraqi terrorists?
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For the first time, the Chinese government has admitted that almost about 3 dozen people have died and almost 800 are ill in an outbreak of the new mystery disease known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. Until now, they insisted that only five people had died from it. With all the war news on TV, our media is ignoring the increasing spread of SARS here in the U.S.?but not so in Canada, where they’ve declared a health emergency and may soon force people into quarantine.

Dr. Meirion Evans, of the World Health Organization (WHO) says, “We’re getting a more complete picture. It’s certainly been one of the objectives of the mission to clarify whether the outbreak in China was the same disease as what’s been seen outside of China.”
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Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is planning to escape to Syria and has already smuggled his family out, according to London’s Daily Telegraph. Just days before the bombing of Baghdad began, Saddam’s first wife Sajida, the mother of Uday and Qusay, fled to Damascus with three trucks full of possessions and 60 bodyguards. Protocol minister Haitham Rashid Wihaib says Saddam’s family is staying with Iraq’s ambassador to Syria.

“He knows it is only a matter of time before he is defeated, and he has made sure that everything is in place for a very comfortable exile,” Wihaib says. Several other government officials, including his deputy Tariq Aziz, also have sent their families to Syria.
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