At 8:35 AM Baghdad time, Saddam Hussein delivered a brief address on Iraqi television, urging Iraqis to resist the US led attack. It was not known whether the address was videotaped or live, or if the person delivering the speech was actually Saddam Hussein. Early analysis of the tape revealed brief dissolves, suggesting that it was not live, but the individual making the broadcast referred to the exact time of the attack, indicating that it was made after the attack took place.

At sunrise Baghdad time, the US had attempted a strike against the Iraqi leadership that included targets near Baghdad, in Mosul and close to the Iranian border.

Saddam Hussein is known to have more than one double, so it is uncertain that he was actually the man on the more

Whitley Strieber is doing an in-depth exploration of his books and experiences, beginning with The Key. So far, he?s recorded the first part of a moment-by-moment description of what was going on in his mind as he faced the Master of the Key. In coming months, there will be more Key recordings, as well as dialogues between popular Dreamland guests, Q&As with abductees and UFO researchers, and other fascinating and important information. The SECOND installment of his discussion of the secrets of the Key will be posted on March 20. To listen to all of this, plus be able to download Dreamland and listen to it anywhere, you need to subscribe for only $3.95 a more

Sheriff Erasmo Alarcon Jr., of Jim Hogg County in South Texas, says unidentified armed men dressed in military fatigues have been seen near the border with Mexico. He’s received reports of sightings for several years from ranchers who?ve spotted the unknown troops, carrying “professional backpacks” and marching military style. He believes the armed men are foreign and not drug smugglers. “They are not your regular traffickers that you get,” he says. “But we don’t want to draw conclusions at this point and get everybody worked up.”
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A terrorist who is accused of helping the 911 hijackers was invited to a party by the Iraqi ambassador to Spain. The ambassador used his al-Qaeda pseudonym, according to documents seized by Spanish investigators. Yusuf Galan, who was photographed in training at a camp run by bin-Laden, is now in jail in Madrid, awaiting trial. The indictment against him says he was “directly involved with the preparation and carrying out of the attacks?by the suicide pilots on September 11.”
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