Did you know there’s a lot about UFOs that’s been proven scientifically? A few years ago, Whitley Strieber produced a special for NBC about his book Confirmation. Now we have copies of the book available in our bookstore, signed by Whitley. When people tell you there’s no proof of UFOs, hand them this book!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

In his new Journal, Whitley Strieber writes, “In recent years, I have had a number of childhood memories emerge that disturb me very much. These memories are like the memories of many other people. And I have also found, buried in some old news stories, startling corroboration for one of them?I believe that, beginning after World War II, children began to be recruited for various experimental efforts to create ‘perfect’ spies, and to study the effects of the development of dual and multiple personalities in them.” He thinks he was one of these children. Don’t miss this exciting new journal!

Anne Strieber ponders the news and asks how, in these days of conflicting news reports and disinformation, we can figure out what’s true. She tackles this question in her new diary.read more

Most people like organic vegetables because they’re worried about pesticides and genetically-modified crops or they think they taste better. Now it’s been discovered that organics contain more healthy compounds than regular crops. Tests comparing organic and non-organic berries and corn show organics contain up to 58% more polyphenolics, which are compounds that act as antioxidants and may protect against heart disease and cancer.

“This really opens the door to more research in this area,” says researcher Alyson Mitchell. Her team found that organic blackberries contain 50 to 58% more polyphenolics than regular crops from neighboring fields. Organic strawberries have 19% more polyphenolics. Organics also have more ascorbic acid, which the body converts to vitamin C. read more

“Unless you are suffering from a severe deficiency, if you have a disease or disorder that is causing you to be nutrient-deficient, the most you are going to need is a high quality multivitamin supplement, to be taken as insurance, and not used as your main source of nutrients,” says nutritionist Laurie Tansman. But many of us take much more than that, and it turns out that can be dangerous.

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E can be stored for long periods of time in the body, build up in the liver and become toxic. “Vitamin D is one of the most toxic supplements there is, and in extreme cases and in very large amounts can lead to liver and kidney failure,” says nutritionist Jyni Holland.
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