Astronomers who are searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence are studying over 150 radio transmissions that have reached Earth. Using a huge network of home computers, SETI has found millions of strong radio signals since 1999. On March 18, they plan to spend 24 hours on the Arecibo radio telescope to check out those considered most likely to be radio broadcasts from alien civilizations. If they do pick up a transmission, says Dan Werthimer, chief scientist for the project, “we would be hopping around and calling telescopes in England and in Germany,” since they would need independent confirmation “to make sure it isn’t a bug in the software or a graduate student playing a prank” before making an announcement.
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If the U.S. invades Iraq, Saddam Hussein is planning attacks on his own people and will blame the atrocities on the American forces. The Iraqi forces that do the killing will dress in coalition uniforms. The Pentagon is trying to stop Iraqi military commanders from carrying out Saddam?s orders by dropping leaflets and sending them e-mails giving them instructions on how to safely surrender. “They are being communicated with privately at the present time,” says Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. “?They will receive instructions so that they can behave in a way that will be seen and understood as being non-threatening.”
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A German woman who was in a coma for six years woke up after her mother took her to a Bryan Adams concert. Christiane Kittel, who is now 24, went into a coma on June 12, 1997. Doctors think it was caused by a combination of hot weather, hemophilia and the side-effects of her birth control pill. For the past six years, she was attached to life-support machines in an intensive care unit, until she heard the music at the concert, when she began to move in her wheelchair and eventually came back to life.
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People with peanut allergies risk their lives getting on airplanes where snacks are passed out. Kids are in danger if they go to a friend’s house that has peanut butter in the cupboard. But this may all change soon, due to a new medicine which will allow them to eat almost 9 peanuts without an allergic reaction. Right now, people with severe allergies can only eat about half a peanut. The drug won’t allow them to eat as many as they want, but it will protect them if they unknowingly eat something containing them.
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