Former Santa Fe public defender Andrew J. O’Connor was handcuffed last Thursday at the St. John’s College library and interrogated by Secret Service agents for several hours. He was taken from the school’s library about 9 p.m. while he was using a computer. “They Mirandized me, handcuffed me and took me to the police station where two Secret Service agents from Albuquerque interrogated me for hours,” O’Connor says. “This whole level-orange (terror alert) thing has them all paranoid, I guess.” Bill Scannell agrees?he?s boycotting Delta Airlines, which is testing the new CAPS II security system of background checks on all passengers.
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With the January arrest of the chief fundraiser for al-Qaeda, it’s been discovered that 911, which affected New Yorkers the most, was financed with funds raised in Brooklyn. Mohammed Ali Hassan Al Moayad, who was arrested in Germany on Jan. 10, transferred tens of millions of dollars to Osama bin-Laden, and most of it came from Brooklyn Muslims.

“The FBI undercover operation developed information that Al Moayad personally handed Osama Bin Laden $20 million from his terrorist fundraising network,” says FBI director Robert Mueller.
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The London Observer says it has intercepted a 12239,905954,00.html,memo describing a U.S. surveillance operation on UN delegates that involves tapping their home and telephone calls and e-mails, in order to find out who is for or against the war on Iraq. The story was widely reported in the Middle East and Europe and could make it harder for the U.S. and U.K. to get a new resolution in the Security Council.
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We read about Venice sinking into the sea, but New Orleans is sinking right here at home. Most of North America is built on bedrock, but New Orleans is built on Mississippi River silt, which is settling, due to gravity. This settling has been going on for a long time, but lately the surface has been dropping fast. This is due to the levees, which were built to stop the Mississippi from flooding. However, the floods used to deposit new layers of soil on the land. Without this process, the city has become 6 to 20 inches lower in the past 20 years.
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