Sixty-eight young Iranians men and women have been arrested for using a website dating service. The operators of the website were also arrested. The Basij militia enforce Iran’s strict morality laws and often raid parties, but this is the first time they’ve acted against web users. Basij General Ahmad Rouzbehani says, “Some people were using an internet site to allow girls and boys to talk and arrange meetings in a place in north Tehran where they had illegal relations.” This can be a deadly activity for young Muslim women.
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It’s not just happening in the U.S.–people are getting fatter all over the world. Processed foods, which are high in saturated fats, sugar and salt, may be the cause, according to the World Health Organization. Surprisingly, the problem has similar causes in both the West and in developing countries. The rise in single parent households, or families where both parents work, means families rely more on fast foods and frozen foods. In developing countries, increased incomes make these foods affordable, even though they cost more than traditional dishes, which are often time consuming to prepare. The problem is worse in cities, partly because people no longer live near their extended families. In many cultures, the older generation once stayed home and cooked for everyone.
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Recently a rumor has been racing around the internet that Dutch astrophysicist Dr. Piers van der Meer has announced that the sun is going to explode in six years. This rumor started with an article published on the Weekly World News website, which has since been withdrawn.

The article was repeated on Yahoo News, but in the entertainment section. Nevertheless, because it is contributing to additional anxiety in a time when there is already too much of same, we have researched the story, and found the following…
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