A UFO flying over Scotland last Wednesday evening caused two traffic accidents, as drivers took their eyes off the road in order to search the skies. Several people reported seeing the huge silver object around 8:45am last Wednesday. One woman says, “My friend saw something hovering, which was silver in appearance and looked like the dishes you see on the side of television transmitters. It was huge, and it was pulsating?he wasn’t the only one who saw it, as you couldn’t have missed it. He saw it and just thought, ‘Good God!’ and was really quite shaken by the whole thing. Then the object just suddenly disappeared?it was so strange.read more

We don’t mean cowardly people, we’re talking about real chickens. The Delta Company, now stationed in Kuwait near the border with Iraq, has been buying up local chickens that they hope will warn them if Saddam sends chemical weapons their way. Sgt. Rodney Brown used to raise organic chickens on a farm in upstate New York. He says, “I expected to see camels. I didn’t expect to see chickens here.” But he knows that, “Poultry have very weak respiratory systems. They’re like a canary in a coal mine. They’ll die first. So it’s a good indication of a gas attack.”
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Despite the recent breakup of the Columbia, astronauts are continuing their training, getting ready for future shuttle trips, although these may contain smaller crews. If you’ve ever gotten seasick, or airsick in a small plane, think of what astronauts go through. Before they get into the KC-135 weightless trainer, called the “Vomit Comet,” they come to NASA’s Dr. Pat Cowings for anti-nausea therapy. Astronauts call Cowings the Baroness of Barf. “I’m sort of proud of that nickname,? she says. “It lends a sort of prestige that I study throwing up in outer space.”
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CIA profiler Jerrold Post has developed a psychological portrait of Saddam Hussein from his biographies, speeches, policy decisions, and interviews with people who’ve met him. “This is not a madman. Let me be clear,” Post says. “This is a psychologically whole person in terms of not being insane, but he represents the most dangerous political personality type, what’s called malignant narcissism.”
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