The U.S. won’t rest after getting rid of Saddam Hussein. According to Richard Perle, of the U.S. Defense Advisory Board, our next targets will be Iran, Libya and Syria. He says, “Change is needed in all those three countries and a few others besides.” Our methods will be different for each country, and the regimes in Iran and Syria could be changed without direct U.S. intervention. “I think Iran can be changed by the action of the Iranian people,” he says. “I believe that Syria, too, can organize change from within.”
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Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda?s fascinating true tale of Hitler, Roosevelt and the occult, is back in stock in our bookstore. This is a perennial favorite that has stayed on our shelves ever since we interviewed Peter several years ago.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

A small variation in a single gene makes the difference when it comes to how much pain you can stand. This gene makes catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), an enzyme that cleans up the brain chemical linked with pain sensation. A guy who can take a lot of pain?maybe an NFL player or a professional boxer?will have a different form of the gene than someone who wimpers whenever he skins his knee.
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Scientists have invented fake trees that can clean up carbon dioxide emissions. Now Brazilian botanist Marcos Buckeridge has found a living tree that’s a CO2 gas gobbler. The Jatoba is a rainforest tree that grows much faster in atmospheres with high levels of carbon dioxide.

“We took seeds and grew them in normal air, which has 360 carbon dioxide parts per million, and in parallel grew plantlets at 720 parts per million, which is the concentration expected for 2075,” Buckeridge says. “The first thing we saw was that photosynthesis doubled in the plants that were growing at the higher CO2 concentration.”
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