Global warming may have created a new type of cloud called noctilucent or “night shining” clouds (NLCs). They’re thin and wispy and have an electric blue glow. “Over the past few weeks we’ve been enjoying outstanding views of these clouds above the southern hemisphere,” says space station astronaut Don Pettit. “We routinely see them when we’re flying over Australia and the tip of South America.” He estimates they?re 50 to 62 miles above the Earth’s surface, “literally on the fringes of space.” You can see them from Earth as well, glowing in the night sky after sunset.
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The government may deny the existence of UFOs, but there’s still room for them in the federal budget. In a passage titled “Where Are the Real Space Aliens?” President Bush’s budget document says, “Despite all the space aliens that appear in science fiction movies and books, we have yet to find conclusive evidence for life, even microbes, anywhere in the universe besides Earth?[But] Researchers have found life in very harsh environments on Earth, which expands the possible kinds of places where life might exist?Perhaps the notion that ‘there’s something out there’ is closer to reality than we have imagined.”
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The Observer (UK) is reporting that the U.S. has plans to punish Germany for leading the international fight against a war in Iraq. Under this plan we would withdraw all our troops and bases, which will cost the Germans billions of euros. Germany is hurting financially already, as a result of trying to unite the former East and Western parts of the country.

A military source says, “We are doing this for one reason only: to harm the German economy. Our troops contribute many millions of dollars. Why should we continue to support a country which has treated NATO and the protection we provided for decades with such incredible contempt?”
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A Message From Whitley Strieber: We have unexpectedly ended up with what I believe to be the most important Dreamland I have ever broadcast. I did not know that it would happen like this. But it has. For details, keep reading…

First, reporter Daniel Pinchbeck talks about the new psychedelic revolution and what has convinced him that certain naturally occuring psychedelic substances enable interaction with other dimensions that are very real, and represent a profound level of communication that, used with wisdom and care, can open the mind to these other worlds.

Daniel’s website:
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