For Valentine’s Day, Whitley and Anne Strieber have written about their life together?and have put their stories up on the website without looking at each other’s words beforehand! Let’s just hope this doesn’t end a beautiful friendship. Read Anne’s Diary and Whitley’s Journal, and see what you think.

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Artificial intelligence experts have invented a robotic head named Doki, which can scientifically determine how attractive women are to men. But it doesn’t work in reverse, because women’s tastes in men are more complex and aren’t based on looks alone. And a scientist has figured out that we start learning how to kiss while we’re still in the womb.

David Cumming, of Intelligent Earth, says, “It examines a number of facial characteristics to determine what sex someone is, so the more classically feminine a woman looks, then the quicker it will decide what sex they are. Psychological research has shown that a woman’s attractiveness directly relates to her femininity and so we can also use this reading as a measure of a woman’s attractiveness to men.”
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The general media is feeding the fires of terror by warning us about the possibility of chemical and biological agents being unleashed without also telling us how to survive. SFC Red Thomas (Ret) Armor Master Gunner offers a reality check. Remember: terror weapons are designed to spread fear. If we are afraid, the terrorists win, no matter how effective or ineffective their weapons. Don?t miss our latest Insight.

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While some Bigfoot prints have been faked, not all of them are. Trevor Denny is one of the people who has seen and photographed a Bigfoot footprint. He was hiking with his dog on the Mesa Cortina trail in Colorado when he noticed several footprints on the trail. The largest measured 12 to 13 inches in length, and they looked human, with five distinct toes, but were far larger than any human feet he’s ever seen. They were intermixed with bear paw prints. He followed them until they faded away, and two days later, he returned with his camera and took pictures of them. According to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization, there have been several Bigfoot sightings in Colorado in the past.
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