NASA now thinks that something other than insulation from the booster hitting the left wing of the space shuttle Columbia during liftoff caused the shuttle to disintegrate on re-entry.

A photograph taken by an amateur astronomer in San Francisco showing a bolt of energy striking the shuttle just as the re-entry maneuver began has been sent to NASA for analysis.

There was a coronal mass ejection from the sun reaching the earth during the period that the shuttle was re-entering the atmosphere. This CME was not in itself unusual, but it could have charged the shuttle’s tiles with an electrical charge. If sufficiently high, this charge would have caused a potentially damaging discharged as the shuttle touched the upper atmosphere.
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We’ve had such interesting guests on Dreamland lately that you’ve bought up our entire stock of their books and we’ve had to reorder. Now we have plenty of Voyages of the Pyramid Builders and The Field and Hitler’s Flying Saucers and Rule by Secrecyback in stock. You can listen to Whitley’s interviews of Robert Schoch, Lynne McTaggart and Henry Stevens by clicking “Listen Now” on our masthead, and Jim Marrs will be back on Dreamland within the next few weeks, to introduce a new book and update us on the latest conspiracies.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

College is supposed to be a place where you can try out radical new ideas and enjoy free speech, but that’s gotten dangerous now that campus police departments are helping federal agents track down terrorists. Many of the 911 terrorists came here on student visas, and Homeland Security wants to find out if there are any more hiding in the stacks, but it’s intimidating to professors, foreign students and everyone who likes to toss around ideas in a good debate. It’s also chilling to students who like to surf the internet for new information, since now your internet travels can be read by the Feds.
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According to U.S. intelligence, al-Qaeda is planning a new attack as big as September 11, although it may have been disrupted by arrests of terrorists during the past few months.”The attack will be large-scale,” one official says. The major attack will be preceded by smaller-scale strikes, including assassinations of prominent people in the United States. The government hasn’t said whether the attacks will be in the U.S. or abroad.

A defense official says, “Bin Laden basically always thought three steps ahead, would have plans in the works, multiple plans, not just one. Some of those plans, we believe, are still out there. Some of them could be quickly implemented, possibly, or at least reconstituted.”
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