Thousands of you have asked us to stock signed copies of Whitley Strieber’s important book Communion, about his initial visitor experiences, so it’s now in our store. This is the book that changed the public perception about UFOs, and changed Whitley’s life forever.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

AIDS is considered to be a new virus, because it has only recently mutated so that it can invade human beings. Virus hunters are now trying to catch another newly created viruses early, so they can take preventative action to keep it from spreading. They’re looking for the Nipah virus in the “hot zones” of Australia, Malaysia, India, Sumatra and Thailand, where it’s transmitted by the fruit bat. It first broke out in Malaysia in 1998 and killed thousands of pigs before it moved on to kill 110 people.
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The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), located just off the Las Vegas strip, is a place where scientists take UFOs seriously. “We don’t study aliens,” says biochemist Colm Kelleher. “We study anomalies. They’re the same thing in a lot of people’s minds, but not in our minds.?
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Here are the most-read stories on for the month of January:

The story with the highest number of “hits” was Poles Ready to Flip, about how magnetic North and South could reverse any time and the consequences for us.

Most of the next most-read stories were about UFOs, which makes sense because it’s almost impossible to get objective information on this subject anywhere else?on or off the internet. Many of our UFO stories have a lot less verification than we?d like, because the subject is almost completely absent from U.S. news. The only thing more invisible in our media than UFOs is crop circles. For the UFO stories you liked best, keep reading?
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