There is tremendous worldwide sorrow over the loss of the seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle. It’s much greater than the sadness that would attend the loss of a 747 with 350 people aboard.

There is a reason for this, and it is a good one: our astronauts are at the leading edge of human endeavour. They are carefully chosen for their accomplishments, abilities and general excellence. They are the best we have, striding into danger with a smile and a wave. To read the full Journal, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

We are NASA Science News subscribers. This just came in our e-mail from them. They have said it so very, very well.

Feb. 4th, 2003: At the dawn of the space age some 40 years ago, we alwaysknew who was orbiting Earth or flying to the Moon. Neil Armstrong, YuriGagarin, John Glenn. They were household names–everywhere.

Lately it’s different. Space flight has become more “routine.” Anotherflight of the shuttle. Another visit to the space station. Who’s onboard this time? Unless you’re a NASA employee or a serious space enthusiast, you might not know.

Dave Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson, William McCool, and Ilan Ramon
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We are subscribers to NASA Science News. We have just received this e-mail from them. They have said it so very, very well:

“Feb. 4th, 2003: At the dawn of the space age some 40 years ago, we alwaysknew who was orbiting Earth or flying to the Moon. Neil Armstrong, YuriGagarin, John Glenn. They were household names–everywhere.

Lately it’s different. Space flight has become more “routine.” Anotherflight of the shuttle. Another visit to the space station. Who’s onboardthis time? Unless you’re a NASA employee or a serious space enthusiast,you might not know.

Dave Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson,William McCool, and Ilan Ramon
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In this week’s poll we ask you how you feel about the overall performance of George Bush. And whether you’re for or against the Iraq war (or undecided), you’ll want to join our prayer group in their new prayer for peace. Our new Insight reveals that many elections are fixed–and no, we’re NOT talking about the last presidential race.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more