The Raelian group claims to have produced two human clones (with more on the way), but refuses to let scientists see the babies. This could be because they have some of the genetic defects commonly found in animal clones. Clones and in-vitro (test tube) fertilized babies can suffer from Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, which is a rare condition that causes too much growth, kidney abnormalities and an increased chance of tumors.
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Coastal cities and island nations are where where global warming and rising sea levels will have the most effect. England will be especially hard hit because the Gulf Stream, which now keeps Britain warm, will drop down, giving the U.K. the same weather as Northern Canada, which is on the same latitude. The recent heavy snowstorms in the U.K. may be a sample of what’s to come. A newly launched NASA satellite will soon give us the answer, since it will track ice sheets near the north and south poles, which are one of the first signs that climate change isn’t just a future threat?it’s happening now.
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Soap Lake, Washington, is like a lot of U.S. towns: visitors were who once attracted to its healing mineral springs now have hot tubs at home and visit Disneyworld instead. Two Soap Lake residents think what the town needs is a unique and gigantic attraction that will make Soap Lake irresistible to tourists. “People will come to see this from all over the world, just as they do when visiting other structures of awe,” say designers Brent Blake and John Glassco. The proposed structure has been described as “similar to the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Space Needle in Seattle.” What could this breathtaking tourist attraction be?

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Famous British spy novelist John le Carre says, “How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America’s anger from bin Laden to Saddam Hussein is one of the great public relations conjuring tricks of history?A recent poll tells us that one in two Americans now believe Saddam was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center?The American public ?is being browbeaten and kept in a state of ignorance and fear?Those who are not with Mr. Bush are against him. Worse, they are with the enemy.”

Republican congressmen here in the U.S. are also getting grouchy about the upcoming war on Iraq. Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri wants to know, ”What is the connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda?”
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