Loren Coleman talks with Whitley Strieber about the cryptozoology news of 2002, starting at 3 pm Central time, Saturday, January 18 (and running for a month afterwards). You can hear this interview by clicking “Listen Now” on our masthead. While there were hoaxes that made a splash in the mainstream media, many real and well-researched sightings took place. Keep reading to learn more?
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Unexplained magnetized objects have been removed from the bodies of close encounter witnesses by Dr. Roger Leir. Now we know that magnetism can be used to alter the mind, so maybe we’re not far from understanding what the implants are doing inside abductees. It’s also possible that the reversal of magnetism between the north and south poles, which is on the way, could affect the way our brains work?the same way it seems to be affecting migrating animals.
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If you had 30 seconds to decide whether or not to go to another world, would you take the chance? In our last poll, we wanted to find out how many of you would go with no conditions or only if you could take your loved ones with you (or not at all). It turns out 40% would go with no conditions, 33% only if loved ones could come and 27% wouldn?t go at all. That means about three-quarters of you are ready for contact!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Better make friends with your dentist, because he knows all about you. By looking at your teeth, he can tell what’s going on in your life and in the rest of your body. A good dentist can spot diseases like heart disease and diabetes in their early stages. They know if you have AIDS, osteoporosis or leukemia. And no matter how much you deny it, they know if you’re under stress.

Your dentist may ask about your saliva quality, what medications you’re on, the date of your last physical, and other questions that don’t seem to have anything to do with your teeth. Bad breath or bleeding gums can be a symptom of adult onset diabetes, and so can dry mouth or receding gums. Dentists can tell you’re stressed if they see signs of bruxism, the grinding or clenching of your teeth.read more