Villagers in a village in India think that 20-year-old Raja Wasim (known as Raju) was attacked by the legendary Abominable Snowman, when he went outside to feet the family’s cattle. He heard a strange noise, and when he turned around, he saw a four-foot-tall monster, covered with dense, dark, black hair all over. Raju says, “The is no mistake about what I saw. The monster had the face of a man with monkey-like features. It was four feet tall, but extremely sturdy. It was the Snowman. It pounced at me and I jumped back on the veranda, shouting for help. My uncle and his family rushed to my rescue and the monster lazily walked away. It was hardly frightened by the commotion.”
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In recent years, even conservative Jewish archeologists have admitted that there is no archeological evidence for most of the Old Testament stories in the Bible. But now some has been found: scientists says a 2,800-year-old stone tablet that describes repair plans for the Jewish Temple of King Solomon is genuine. It’s the first piece of physical evidence that backs up the Bible.

It could also heat up the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Muslim clerics deny any Jewish historical connection with the Temple Mount, which is also the site of the Dome of the Rock mosque. The blackened stone was unearthed during renovations of the Mosque by Muslim authorities.
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The remaining members of the Knights Templar, who built Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland in the 15th century, are going to use modern, non-invasive technology, such as ultra-sound and thermal imaging, to search the structure for ancient relics. There are legends that saying that everything from the early gospels to the Ark of the Covenant and even the mummified head of Christ are buried there. The Apprentice Pillar is said to contain a lead casket which holds the legendary Holy Grail, the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper. It’s believed that the Knights removed treasure from tunnels underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the eleventh century.
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After Ray Wallace died recently, his family revealed that he wore molds on his feet to produce a famous set of Bigfoot tracks. However, scientists think the Skookum Cast, with the impression of a Bigfoot’s rear end, is definitely not a hoax. Daris Swindler is a professor of anthropology at the University of Washington, and an expert on living and fossil primate teeth. He believes that the 400 pound plaster cast made by amateur Bigfoot researchers in 2000 is a genuine record of a Bigfoot that sat down by a mud hole to eat some fruit.
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