Global warming, and the resulting glacier melt, may reveal lost secrets of our ancient past that have been hidden for hundreds and thousands of years. Smithsonian anthropologist William Fitzhugh discovered a 4,000-year-old basket in Siberia. “I was digging down through this stuff, it was literally like banging your hammer on a frozen cement floor,” he says, when he noticed yellow-colored fibers poking through the frozen dirt. “And gradually by squirting water and melting it a little more, what I realized that it was the top of a basket.” It was in near-perfect condition, so it revealed detailed information about the daily lives of the people who once lived there. If it hadn’t been frozen, it would have decayed long ago, due to exposure to air.
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Richard Dolan writes, “If the Raelians were even remotely representative of UFO research, I would never have entered the field. Any ‘legitimate’ UFO researcher (yeah, I know, none of us are really legitimate) undoubtedly grimaces whenever Vorilhon’s group gets media attention. ‘No, no!’ we all want to say. ‘WE are not like THEM!’

…But while I’ve never thought much of the Raelians, it still seems to me that the mainstream media has utterly blown it in its so-called coverage of this controversy…The real questions are: did the Raelians actually try to clone a human being, and did they succeed? From my vantage point?I don’t see why not.” Don’t miss this provocative Insight!
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The columnist Arianna Huffington says so, and Christians ask, “What would Jesus drive?” The rest of us feel like a mouse in the midst of a herd of elephants as we try to negotiate our normal-sized vehicles around them and catch a glimpse of the traffic up ahead. But the real evil lies in the fact that they don’t have to meet the same Federal emissions or gas mileage standards as other cars, while our cities are becoming more polluted every day and we’re about to go to war over oil. Are SUVs evil? Read what Anne Strieber has to say.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

The columnist Arianna Huffington says so, and Christians ask, “What would Jesus drive?” The rest of us feel like a mouse in the midst of a herd of elephants as we try to negotiate our normal-sized vehicles around them and catch a glimpse of the traffic up ahead. But the real evil lies in the fact that they don’t have to meet the same Federal emissions or gas mileage standards as other cars, while our cities are becoming more polluted every day and we’re about to go to war over oil. Are SUVs evil? Read what Anne Strieber has to say.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more