Whitley Strieber writes, “We are very close to war with Iraq?What troubles me is the total lack of media interest in educating the public about why the president would think that this war is so essential to our welfare and the welfare of the world that he would be willing to engage in it even without the support of the UN, and even without a coalition of allies. But there are reasons, and they are good ones.” To find out what they are, readWhitley?s Journal.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

“The Skeptical Environmentalist” by Bjorn Lomborg, which says global warming isn’t real and there is no chance of sudden climate change, has been censored by the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty, according to the New York Times of January 8. Although it hasn’t sold well in the U.S., the book has been widely promoted by conservative politicians and talk show hosts. Cambridge University Press has also been criticized for publishing the book in English in 2001.
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Three Oklahoma helicopter pilots took some intriguing photos of lenticular clouds, which are often mistaken for UFOs because of their circular shape. However, the third photo shows a small round object in the center of the cloud, so the question is: do the photos show clouds, a UFO?or both?

Pilot Luis Monroy says, “I’ve never seen anything like that cloud. That thing (is) putting off heat, maybe. Something is going on. It’s doing something to make those clouds open and swirl around. I’ve never seen this before.”
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