A new study shows that physical characteristics such as skin or hair color don’t necessarily reveal a person’s race. People who appear white may genetically be mainly African, while people who look black may genetically be European or Amerindian.

“There is wide agreement among anthropologists and human geneticists that, from a biological standpoint, human races do not exist,” says researcher Sergio Pena. “Yet races do exist as social constructs.”

Much of the research was done in Brazil, where the population comes from three separate ethnic groups: the original Amerindians, Europeans, and Africans. These groups have inter-married and inter-bred, yet some Brazilians are regarded as white, others as black.
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This week we ask you an especially intriguing question about why the visitors don?t come out in the open. Is it because they are evil, afraid or opposed by the government? Or do they think we’re not advanced enough for contact? Are they imaginary?or is there a quantum reason for their hesitation? We want to hear what you think, so be sure to vote.

Last week, when we asked you what you think the implants are, 74% said they are “placed in people by aliens.” 15% of you think they’re put in people by the government. The rest of the votes were low: 5% think they’re something natural, 3% that they’re a fantasy and 3% that they’re a hoax.
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In this long-awaited journal entry, Whitley Strieber gives you his take on the Sci Fi series “Taken.” He asks, “?Was Taken’s premise an accurate reflection of the situation that actually exists? Is there a vicious government conspiracy to suppress UFO evidence and gain control of alien technology and knowledge? Are we, in fact, failing to make the grade as a species worthy of contact?” To read Whitley?s new Journal, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Scientists are working on a drug that may be used for chemical liposuction. It’s a natural enzyme that breaks down collagen in cells. Right now, it’s being used to shrink cancer tumors but researcher Tom Wegman says, “There’s no reason why fat in other parts of the body wouldn’t respond in the same way?We did think then that this might become a kind of chemical liposuction.” It’s already worked on obese mice.

But Wegman says, “We have yet to decide whether we want to investigate its effects for removing body fat. To become licensed as a chemical liposuction in the U.S. would be an expensive proposition.” In 2001, doctors conducted about 800,000 liposuction procedures in the U.S. alone.
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