Doctors have noticed that the impotence drug Viagra can cause aggressive behavior and sexual violence. In July, Dr. Harold A. Milman published an article in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy about more than 12,000 reports of violence in men who took Viagra. The drug was listed as the possible cause of 13 rapes and 6 murders.

The theory that the drug can cause aggression is basis of the “Viagra defense,” a claim made by 6 defendants since 1998 that the drug caused them to commit violent crimes. Milman was hired as an expert witness in one of the cases. The Viagra defense hasn?t gotten any defendants off so far.
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Ray Wallace, one of the first Bigfoot researchers, died of heart failure on November 26 at age 84, and his family now says he created the Bigfoot prints he claimed to have discovered in 1958. “Ray L. Wallace was Bigfoot. The reality is, Bigfoot just died,” says son Michael Wallace.

“He did it just for the joke and then he was afraid to tell anybody because they’d be so mad at him,” says nephew Dale Lee Wallace, who says he still has the carved antler feet that he says Wallace used to make the prints. He says Wallace asked a friend to carve the 16-inch-long feet and he and his brother Wilbur wore them to create the tracks.
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The new series “Taken” on the Sci Fi channel seems like an abductee’s dream come true?at last the media is taking us seriously. Our new poll asks: Will the Sci Fi series “Taken” make more people believe close encounters are real, not change anybody?s opinion, or make fewer people believe close encounters are real? The answers so far are really surprising, so be sure to add your vote, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

There are hundreds of literary prizes given out every year, all over the world, but a little-known award is the annual Literary Review Bad Sex prize given out in the U.K. for the worst description of sex in a contemporary novel. This year?s winner is Wendy Perriam for a description in her novel “Tread Softly.” It contains the lines “Weirdly, he was clad in pin-stripes at the same time as being naked. Pin-stripes were erotic, the uniform of fathers, two-dimensional fathers. Even Mr. Hughes’s penis had a seductive pin-striped foreskin.” The runner-up was Nicolas Coleridge, author ?Godchildren,? in which he describes a man stroking his lover “like a groom reassuring a frightened foal.” Previous winner Christopher Hart used a polar exploration as a metaphor for love-making.
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