One sign of climate change is that birds fly south later in the fall, or migrate to new areas when it gets cold. Bird watchers on the East Coast have been amazed to find that hummingbirds are still around, even though most of the other birds in the area have flown south for the winter. “Twenty or 25 years ago, if you said you saw a hummingbird in November, people would be wondering if you had been tipping the sherry,” says ornithologist Mary Gustafson.
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People who get sick on the weekend or while on vacation may be have a new medical condition. Researchers in the Netherlands think a significant proportion of the population is suffering from this. They’ve found that 3% of people get sick with a variety of different complaints, such as fatigue, muscular pains and nausea, as soon as they stop working and try to relax. Cold and flu-like symptoms are especially common during holidays.
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One of zookeepers’ biggest problems is getting pandas to procreate?they just aren’t very sexy?or maybe they’re just extremely fussy about who they go out with. China wants to release giant pandas back into the wild, but can’t risk it until more of them are available. They’ve tried “panda porn”?explicit videos of pandas mating?as well as drugs ranging from traditional herbal remedies to Viagra. Now they think pandas may simply be waiting for the perfect partner, so they’ve opened a panda computer dating service, with computer software that analyzes the bloodlines of all pandas living in zoos to find the best match.
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Legendary researcher Rupert Sheldrake will be on our 2nd online Dreamland show. Starting Saturday, November 30 at 3PM PST, you can listen to this show by clicking “Listen Now” on the upper right hand side of the masthead. Sheldrake reveals a group of experiments so powerful that they could change the world–and tells how YOU can participate. Ever sensed somebody standing behind you? Wondered how flocks of birds all turn at the same second? Noticed that your pet anticipates your return? Learn how all of this relates to a whole new kind of psychic empowerment. NOTE: You do NOT need to be online at exactly 3PM PST on Saturday to hear this show–you can listen anytime by following the directions below?
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