The buzz from you get from coffee may not be caused by caffeine after all, meaning decaf may raise your blood pressure just as much as the regular brew. Also, coffee has been shown to help diabetes and little old ladies who drink lots of it stay mentally sharp.

Researchers gave triple espressos, in both regular and decaf versions, to six regular coffee drinkers and nine people who never drank caffeine. To their surprise, both drinks had the same effect on the non-coffee drinkers, raising their blood pressure. The results could be caused by the placebo effect, meaning they expected to get a buzz from the coffee?so they did. But Swiss scientist Roberto Corti thinks something other than the caffeine in coffee produces its stimulating effect.
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Researchers have discovered that Ecstasy is an excellent treatment for Parkinson’s disease, despite the fact that in the past, the drug was condemned for causing it. New animal studies show Ecstasy can dramatically reduce Parkinson?s uncontrollable arm and leg movements.
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The U.S. government has announced two accidents in which soybean crops in Iowa and Nebraska were contaminated by corn from the previous year that was genetically-engineered to contain medicine. “This is a failure at an elementary level,” says Jane Rissler of the Union of Concerned Scientists. “They couldn’t distinguish corn from soybeans and remove them from a field. That’s like failing nursery school.”
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Eating too much monosodium glutamate, which is used in many Chinese foods and processed foods, could make you go blind. Researchers at Hirosaki University in Japan found that rats fed on diets high in MSG have vision loss and thinner retinas.

MSG binds to receptors on retinal cells, destroying them and reducing the ability of the remaining cells to relay electrical signals to the brain. Researcher Hiroshi Ohguro says large amounts of MSG were used, up to 20% of the total diet in the group with the most eye damage. “Lesser amounts should be OK,” he says. “But the precise borderline amount is still unknown.”
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