Jim Marrs died today. He was a frequent guest on Dreamland, a beloved participant in Unknowncountry’s Dreamland festivals, and a dear friend of Whitley and Anne Strieber. He was a fearless reporter who brought an unstoppable combination of brilliance, determination and accuracy to his work.
His book about the Kennedy assassination, Crossfire, was made into the film JFK by Oliver Stone. He is also the author of Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, the Rise of the Fourth Reich and many others.
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Two new discoveries regarding chemical ingredients that are associated with the formation of life on Titan have been announced. With its dense nitrogen, methane and ethane atmosphere, and liquid hydrocarbon seas, Titan is currently of interest to scientists looking to study an environment resembling Earth’s primordial atmosphere, and also are hopeful that the Saturnian moon’s complex chemical soup will yield evidence of extraterrestrial life.
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 Researchers with the Facebook AI Research (FAIR) development project have had to shut down two artificial intelligence programs because they began to develop their own internal language that the researchers couldn’t decipher. On the surface, the invented language looks like gibberish, but when the researchers analyzed it, they realized that the word patterns represented a more efficient lingo that only the two AI "agents" could understand.
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A new crop circle featuring a variation on the ancient geometric symbol of Metatron’s Cube has formed in a wheat field close to Cley Hill, south of Warminster, UK. The 400-foot formation was discovered on July 18, 2017.

Metatron’s Cube is a two-dimensional geometric figure composed of 13 equally-sized circles, arranged in a hexagonal pattern. Lines inscribed through key points the formation produce 2-D representations of the five three-dimensional Platonic solids: the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and isocohedron. This particular formation also incorporates 36 other circles, with their centers aligned around the circumference of the Star of David representation that the Metatron’s Cube forms.
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