Tibetan Buddhist practices have often been shown to work, once science has developed the technology to test them. Thong Len, a meditative technique developed almost 800 years before the discovery of anesthesia, works by imagining someone else’s pain, and drawing it into yourself. As you take the pain from others, your own hurt disappears too, replacing the negative with the positive. “I was amazed a couple of years ago when I discovered Thong Len. I had a burnt hand, and (when I used) that technique, it was like an anesthetic had been injected into my arm,” says Jack Pettigrew. “You can explain what might be happening when you anesthetize your own arm. But people in a room with a Thong Len practitioner have also said they feel better. How do you explain that?”
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Most of us drink bottled water or sodas when we fly, but sometimes we use water from the airplane lavatory to take a pill or brush our teeth. Airlines insist this water is safe, but recent studies found dangerous things lurking in the tank water, including E. coli, the germ that causes Legionnaire?s disease, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and tiny insect eggs.Flight attendants will even hand this water out, when they run out of bottled water. Under federal regulations, it?s supposed to be safe to drink. ?It?s absolutely drinkable,? says a United Airlines spokesman.
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A string of earthquakes from Italy to Pakistan has killed 48 people recently, but seismologists say they are unconnected. 26 children died in southern Italy when their school collapsed, and there have been major quakes in Indonesia, Pakistan, the U.S. and Japan. “The (recent) quakes happened along different tectonic plates, therefore they cannot be related,” according to Indonesia’s Meteorology and Geophysics Agency.
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Kokomo, Indiana city officials have hired a Massachusetts acoustics consulting firm to study the mysterious hum that has caused sleeping and health problems for dozens of residents. The Board of Public Works and Safety hired Acentech for $80,750 to try to identify the cause of the low-frequency noise that people have been complaining about since 1999. Acentech thinks the study will last about 16 weeks. Acentech won’t test for radiation or electromagnetic fields, only for sound and vibration. Since other towns are also being driven crazy by mysterious hums, many people are waiting to see the results.

Drown out that hum and get ?Inner Peace? from Steven Halpern?s beautiful, healing music,click here.

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