Scientist have found a way to keep slices of living brain tissue alive for weeks and use them to test drugs for neurological and psychiatric disorders. This sounds like something out of an old science fiction movie, where a decapitated human head was kept alive with wires coming out of it, but the “mini-brain” is much sleeker than that. It consists of a glass chip containing tens of thousands of interconnected living brain cells suspended in a solution of artificial brain fluid. To test a drug’s effect on the tissue, 64 electrodes on the chip’s surface monitor the electrical activity of the brain tissue. Right now, the “brain on a chip? uses brain tissue from mice or rats.
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An epidemic of autism cases has swept through California in the last 15 years. The number of people with autism being served by the California Department of Developmental Services increased by 273% from 1987 to 1998, and is still growing by about nine cases per day. That increase cannot be explained away by better data, improved diagnosis, or immigration.
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It’s long been known that UFOs were studied for many years by the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Soviet institutions. During the past few years, lots of allegedly classified Russian documents have appeared on the Internet, but experts says most of these are bogus. But the real documents must exist somewhere.

One case that?s known about concerns a Strategic Missile Troops colonel who investigated a UFO landing near a children’s camp, where two humanoids were observed conducting tests. Somewhere, a document also exists confirming a UFO landing in a village in the Russia?s Sverdlovsk region, where contacts were established between the extraterrestrials and the villagers.
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A new national opinion poll finds that 72% of Americans believe the government is not telling us everything it knows about UFOs. The poll reveals that more men than women think information about UFOs and ETs (66-63% vs. 54%) should be shared with the public. The younger you are, the more you think the government is withholding information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. According to the poll, 80% of 18-24 year olds, 75% of 25-34 year olds, and 73% of 35-49 year olds say that the government is hiding information about UFOs.

This study was conducted by Roper of a representative sample of 1,021 adults ages 18 and over. The telephone interviews were conducted from August 23rd through August 25th, 2002. The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 3%.
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