One of our most popular radio guests?and our bookstore?s best selling author?William Henry, will be on Dreamland this Saturday, October 26, to talk about his brand new book ?Cloak of the Illuminati.? In honor of his appearance, we?ve slashed the prices on all of his current titles $2, meaning you get $8 off his Basic Set and $6 off his Advanced Set. Now?s your chance to get all the books of this wonderful author you?ve ever wanted to read. Sale is only on through Wednesday, November 6, so act now, click here.

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Scientists have assumed our universe is young, but now they’re saying it’s middle aged and will stop expanding and start collapsing fairly soon. Of course, “soon” in astronomical terms means billions of years in the future. Right now, a mysterious “dark energy” is pushing the universe apart, but when this force loses its power, the cosmos will collapse.
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Retired British submarine commander Garvin Menzies plans to follow the same route as Admiral Zheng He, a Chinese Muslim eunuch who discovered America more than 70 years before Columbus. Most historians believe Columbus discovered the New World first, in 1492, although Scandinavian historians claim the Vikings got there 500 years earlier. But the Chinese have evidence that Zhang found North America and Australia during a two-year voyage which began in 1421.
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For centuries, local fishermen on the coast of Mahabalipuram in India have believed that a great flood consumed a city over 10,000 years ago in a single day. This story was recorded n by British explorer J. Goldingham, who visited the area in 1798. The legend said there were six temples submerged beneath the water, with the seventh temple still standing on the shore. Now author Graham Hancock thinks he’s found them.

?I have long regarded Mahabalipuram, because of its flood myths and fishermen?s sightings as a very likely place in which discoveries of underwater structures could be made, and I proposed that a diving expedition should be undertaken there,? says Hancock.
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