A new planet has been discovered in our solar system, that is circling the sun out farther than Pluto. It’s about 800 miles across?half the size of Pluto, which was discovered 72 years ago?and circles the Sun every 288 years. Astronomers have also discovered a tiny moon circling the planet Uranus.
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On September 13, Uknowncountry.com reported a case of a possible murder by UFO, as recorded by the National UFO Reporting Center. Dreamland science reporter Linda Moulton Howe began an immediate investigation, and two Unknowncountry readers from the local area offered their services as correspondents for us.

The original story reported that two farmers had observed a UFO lifting a man in a beam of light, and that a local resident had later been found mysteriously dead in an inaccessible area. It was also reported that the FBI had taken control of the body, and that the UFO sightings had been reported in the local paper and on area radio and television stations.
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A year-long internet search for the world?s funniest joke brought in 2 million votes on 40,000 entries, and finally been narrowed down to one. Jokes were submitted by people from over 70 countries.

The LaughLab experiment was started by U.K. psychologist Richard Wiseman, who says there are clear national trends in humor. People from the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand prefer jokes involving word plays. American and Canadians liked jokes where someone else looks stupid. Many European countries preferred surreal jokes. Germans gave the jokes the highest ratings. Jokes are common around the world, with one exception. “It is very, very difficult to find joke-telling in Japan,” Wiseman says.
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One in every 100 babies in the U.S. was in a car crash before they were born. Car crashes are the leading cause of hospitalization during pregnancy, and can be dangerous for the fetus. In at least 1% of all births, women say they were in a car crash while pregnant. The pregnant women actually had better recoveries than those who weren’t pregnant, because they rushed to the hospital, but no one knows what effect the crashes had on their unborn babies.

We do know that women exposed to high levels of pollen in the last third of their pregnancies are much more likely to have asthmatic children. Scientists think that antibodies produced by the mother in response to pollen may cross into the fetus and make allergies more likely.
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