Scientists are worried that in fertility clinics using in-vitro (test tube) fertilizations, parents will be able to select embryos for IQ or personality traits. Now embryos are selected according to which ones are healthiest and free of genetic disease. Future genetic testing could allow them to be selected for above average intelligence, good behavior or sexual orientation.

Psychiatrist Terrie Moffitt says, “Parents are highly motivated to have the best child possible?some would consider such a selection technique if it were available.? Scientists are especially concerned after new research showed links between genes and behavior.
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Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell on Wednesday, October 9. Whitley’s exciting new novel “Lilith’s Dream” is now in bookstores everywhere! Publisher’s Weekly has said, “Strieber remains a superb prose stylist, with a coherent and persuasive vision of vampirism…” They also complained that some parts of the book were “X-rated.” Whitley disagees: “Sex is clean. It’s the people who are repulsed by it who are dirty. My book is full of good, clean sex and I’m proud of it.”
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This is news? Apparently scientists think so, because they?ve announced that housework causes people (mostly women) to become clinically depressed. This is in contrast to other forms of exercise, which have been shown to improve people’s emotional states. Professor Nanette Mutrie says, “With vigorous exercise, the effect is clear; the more you do, the better it is for wellbeing. With housework it is the opposite?the more you do, the more depression you report.”
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Astronomers want to find all the asteroids that may be heading for an impact with Earth, so they’re searching for the legendary group of asteroids called “Vulcanoids” that may be circling the sun. We can’t see these asteroids, but we know they?re there because they effect Mercury’s orbit and make the planet wobble. In the 19th century, astronomers thought Mercury’s strange orbit must be caused by a hidden planet, which they called “Vulcan,” after the Roman god of fire. Astronomers now think hundreds of space rocks, up to 20 miles in diameter, can be found between Mercury and the sun. They could be pieces of a planet that broke apart millions of years ago, and if the orbit of one of them gets deflected, it could head our way.
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